Thursday, October 18, 2012

Visual Dare: Up

Guys. Two whole flash fiction posts in one week? I must be inspired. ;)

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"Aw, Brady... Mama don't like it when you climb!" Daisy yelled at her twin brother, hands on her hips.
Brady eyed the dog below. "I ain't comin' down, nu-uh!
Daisy rolled her eyes. "He's just a puppy." She patted the dog's head, who wriggled with pleasure. "See?"
"He got all the friends he needs."
"Dang it, Brady... You don't got no sense." Daisy stomped her foot.
The dog barked and Brady climbed higher up the street pole.
"We're gonna be late!"
"Say, what's this word here?" Brady pointed, suddenly curious.
"Read it yourself," Daisy muttered. "Ya got plenty of it."

100 Words

Visual Dares are the brilliant invention of Angela Goff at

Feedback is always appreciated! :)

Love, Kenzie

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